How To Revise Audit In 1.5 Day(s) Before The Exam

How To Revise Audit In 1.5 Day(s) Before The Exam

The audit is challenging for many students to score and another challenge is how to study in 1.5 days so I am going to help you with this

Dont stress about exams that have gone or exams that will come – Just focus on the audit exam now, nothing else.

How to study - It is not possible to read the entire answer, you need to read the introduction and remind the points that can be included in the answer and then match your points with a bookish answer.


Make separate para for Reference and provision then Facts and at last Conclusion with a short reason

Your introduction part should be strong this will be decisive while getting the marks.

You have to write speedily from the very first answer.

For study material, yourself notes will be good or summary notes + charts to remember the points.


After SFM Exam


Peer Review

45 Min


Liability of auditors

45 Min


Professional Ethics


Most scoring topic where you can use your own language also and you will get good marks


Next Day


6.30 AM to 8.30 AM

Company Audit


Second most scoring topic and easy one

9.30 AM to 10.15 AM

Audit in an automated environment



10.30 AM to 11.30 AM

Insurance companies


These are short but scoring topics

11.45 AM to 12.45 PM




1 PM to 1.35 PM


30 minutes


2.30 Pm to 3.30 PM

Due Diligence



3.45 PM to 4.30 PM

Caro 2020

45 minutes


5.15 PM to 6.00 PM


45 minutes


6.30 PM to 8.30 Pm

Fiscal Laws


1 question must and few MCQs

9.15 PM to 10.00 PM

Consolidated Financial Statements

45 minutes


10.15 PM to 11 Pm

Audit committee and corporate governance

45 minutes




Last Day

  Auditing standards are kept for the last day because of lengthy content and hard to score good marks in this as examiners expect similar points in this section. You also read this several times.




Check More:


Remember that no student can write the exact same bookish points. So your target should be covering as much as relevant and specific content to the concept.

Check test papers and go through your mistakes once.  So due to the exam time, I will not take your much time


Best of luck

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