How you can clear CA exams by preparing a good strategy for the last month left in the exams...??

Every student who is appearing for their CA exams is worried about a lot of things & many thoughts were running in their mind regarding what should be their strategies to revise such vast course & to summaries the same, how should they approach to the exams, how to overcome with exam fear & pressure, etc.

This is the remaining one last month and gives the result of all the hard work & studies done in the past months, but the question arises how to manage or plan this precious last month?

Here are some quick tips for CA students from my experience & journey, which can help them in clearing CA exams with flying colors.

   1. Smart work > Hard work: Its really important to study the right things instead of everything. With a mammoth syllabus like that of CA, you cant and you shouldnt aim to study everything as exams approach nearby. In your past month when you completed your first reading of the subject, you definitely mark the things that are important and cancel out all the irrelevant things, now during your last months reading you should only focus and read those topics which have been marked important by you & dont waste the time of irrelevant topics; Look at past papers to understand what ICAI likes to ask, and study only those as exams come near. Instead of trying to study everything sloppily, study important things thoroughly.


     2. Take Proper Guidance: It is necessary for the students appearing in the exam to get the proper guidance for their study planning. Without proper guidance, all the hard work is nothing so it is better and advised to get proper guidance. You can get proper guidance from anyone whether it is your parents, your guardians, your teachers, rank holders, or a person you inspired the most. As a student, you should not get hesitate to get their queries and doubts solved by your teachers, friends, or anyone else.

      3. Be Determinant & Disciplined: The best advice to CA students for clearing their CA exams is to be determined & disciplined towards their studies & schedule. Every day as soon as you walk up, speak to yourself that “I will be a Chartered Accountant”. This will motivate you to be more determined & disciplined. Having a positive mindset is all you required to clear the exams with flying colors.



         4. Group Selection & Self-Assessment: In the last month, you should be very clear about whether you want to appear for a single group or for both groups. Deciding this will help you to clarify many things going through your mind and help them to be more focused. However, if you have not decided the same yet, my advice for those students, if you are well prepared and have sufficient time to read and go through all subjects in one month then go for both groups as this will add many benefits to your results.


         5. Study Schedule: To get over the messiness in studying and to be cleared about what to study and when, as a student, you should prepare the proper study schedule incorporating the breaks to get a refresh, to overcome the confusion they had and also this will able you to utilize your time properly, efficiently & maximize their productivity.


           6. Combination of Subjects: Students should decide on a good combination of at least two subjects which includes both Theory and Practical subjects so the same would not be hectic and boring for the student for the study purpose.



            7. Consistency:  It takes days and sometimes months to get into a good study flow. If you take a long break from studies and break the flow in middle, it becomes really difficult to get the same speed again. Therefore, stay consistent since the start to not waste time.


          8. Cover RTP & MTP: It is said that practice makes a man perfect, so the same applies in the studies too. For good practice, students need to solve and cover the RTP, MTP, and other resources issued by the Institute for study and concept clearing purposes. Many times, the exam paper covers the question on the concept asked in RTP and MTP issued. Further with RTP and MTP, students should also cover the past years exam papers to know the paper pattern asked by the institute in the exams. For practical subjects, I insist that you appear for at least 2 mock tests for each subject. Mock tests are a life saver. It helps students get better with time management and get a reality check on how much more work they need to do.



            9. Avoid social media: At this age and at this point in time social media is the biggest disturbance in studies. Avoid the mobiles, internet, televisions, or any kind of disturbance which becomes a barrier to studies and cuts the constant study flow.


            10. Proper schedule: It is my personal suggestion from my own experience that students should try to get and wake up early in the morning and start their day between 4:00 AM-5:00 AM in the morning. The reason behind that this period (4.00 AM to 6.00 AM) is called ‘Brahma Murat and studies done during this period cannot be forgotten i.e., they remain in memory for a long. 


            11. Prepare Quick Revision Notes: The more you write, the more you remember. Either prepare quick shorthand notes for yourself for things you would like to revise just before the exam or underline/highlight important points from summary modules from your preparation material if you have one. One day before the exam, you should be looking at just this and nothing else- strictly no fresh material before exams. Moreover, another awesome way of preparing notes is by recording them in your own voice and then replaying them whenever you feel the need for a crash revision.


              12. Love the process: The more you stress, the more youll lose out on your patience and confidence.  So, try to love the process, stay calm and confident and youll kill it.


               13. Maintain good health: For students, it is very necessary to maintain their health in the last month left as any disturbance in health will disturb students studies and break the flow. So just to avoid this, students are advised to avoid junk and oily food so they can feel refreshed and active. Also, it will help the student to boost their energy and concentration. Take plenty of water and fresh juice which keeps students hydrated the whole day


                 14. Yoga and Meditation: Yoga and meditation are both linked with an emotional health boost. It is considered one of the best sources of relaxation for the human body. It helps students to do concentration and focus on their studies. In addition, by doing yoga on a daily basis, students can obtain a better immune system and thus a healthier body and mind.

                  15. Focus on your Strengths: Students should focus on their strengths, they should analyze and understand the area of their potential, in which they can do their best so to avoid their weaknesses and work on their strengths more.  




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